The coolest thing !!
I do have a hangar. It is currently housing the Smoke House Pilots ( ) plane , that is my old plane (sold my plane to afford this venture ) that is currently in my hangar. I will be building most of the Sling TSI in my shop, at my home. For the final stages, I will be finishing the plane at the hangar.
Sooo, to that end, I have acquired a way to keep the plane preheated during the winter. With the Cirrus that I currently have/use, we always preheat the plane during the winter when its below 40f. And to preheat properly, it takes a little bit. Getting to the hangar 2 hours before you wanna fly is a pain. So I got Hangarbot. It allows me to start the engine preheater before we arrive at the hangar !!! sweetttt !!! I was amazed at how easy this was to setup. It comes with a built in cellular connection that you don’t have to mess with. Just download the app, and log in… and boom it works. Amazing. Can’t recommend this product enough. Surprisingly easy ! Its suppose to be just for engine preheating… But I can’t help but to think about other things I can connect the outlet to.