My shipment has been delayed… Turns out the pictures that I received and posted were not of my plane. Despite having paper taped to them with my name.. ??..??.. Apparently that plane is going to some other lucky person. I asked the status of my shipment and was told that mine will be ready this week and put into containers next week and sent to the shipper… And with the given global shipping problems currently happening…. If I am very lucky my container full of plane parts will be on the water this year. (that only being 4 more weeks) So that means it will take me about 3 weeks longer to get it than I previously expected. I understand these things happen, so no biggie. I just hope there are no more delays and when the shipment arrives all the parts are actually all here.
Okay, the interesting stuff,,, in the latest release of the TSI POH they subtlety slipped in a new approved propeller manufacture. They are still using airmaster for the controller and the hub but now they approve of a new propeller from Sensenich. Don’t bother looking for it on their website. I am told it is a proprietary version specifically for the TSI.
Second interesting thing,,, as I found on FB, an individual in New Zealand is working with BRS to fit a BRS chute to the TSI. Apparently, it is significantly smaller and about 7 lbs less. The exact price is still up in the air (pun intended) but all the other aspects sound good to me.
Thirdly, here is another idea that I stole from FB. To create a POH. Simply download the pdf and send it to and they sent me a printed and binded POH. for cheap… like $15. Literally the whole process took less than 10 minutes. I know that I am jumping the gun a little bit but I was bored.

Hi Scott,
I recently purchased a QB kit of the Sling TSi and came across your blog. I live on the east coast in the mid-atlantic area and I believe you mentioned you were in Virginia if I am not mistaken. Nice to hear of a fellow east coaster that is building the TSi!
As you can probably relate to, I have been reading everything I can about building the TSi and am enjoying reading your blog. It has been very helpful. Thank you for sharing your build!!
A couple of questions for you when you have a moment:
1. You mentioned different prop options for the TSi. I have heard a number of issues with the Airmaster and know that a few builders are looking to go with the MT prop. After reading your blog I see that a “custom” version of a Sensenich prop may also be an option. Do you have any further details on this option or would that be a question to ask Barry perhaps?
2. The BRS option sounds intriguing!! This particular post is about a year old so I was wondering if you had any further information or update on this as it sounds like a fantastic option to reduce the aft CG issue a bit and possible save some space as well.
3. When you received your QB kit, can you tell me how you were able to unload the fuselage and wings without damaging them and how hard was this process and how long did it take?
Thank you for your time and I hope you have continued success with your build!
1. the other prop option would be an MT propeller with a rs flight system controller. it gets rid of the potential electronic problems the airmasters are having. and makes the plane a truly one lever system because the angle on the prop is adjusted automatically.
2. the BRS parachute is twice the price and only about 3 lb lighter and not designed to work with the plane although it could be adapted,, but all of those negatives don’t seem to make it worthwhile.
3. the fuselage QB unloads in many different parts which divides the weight nicely which makes no one part that heavy. the fuselage is probably the heaviest part and two people could carry it themselves but I would recommend three. the trick to unloading the quick build from the container is to have a square driver bit for your drill and a lot of patients to unscrew the many many screws. also having a sawzall with a metal blade on it might help.
Thank you for the quick response! Sounds like the BRS is not going to be worth it. Much appreciated on the unloading details. Not a ton of information out there for what to expect on the QB delivery so I greatly appreciate the additional details.
Did you end up going with the Airmaster or are you planning on going with an MT prop?
One more question if you don’t mind sir – I noticed you had a forklift for your unloading of the kits. Do you recommend having a forklift for this or was it a nice to have but not essential?
A forklift is definitely not required. If you have at least four people for the fuselage. Two people can carry the fuselage but it’s to risky. Four people is the ideal number. The forklift was a little scary cuz one false move and you could easily slain the fuselage into something.
Thank you!