These fuel lines took me about 3 weeks. Not even done with the few lines that mount to the firewall. I should have listened to Patrick Shine and gotten all of those fittings that he recommended but instead I purchased them one or two at a time as I needed them. That was a big mistake. And trying to bend aluminum fuel lines perfectly the first time has proven to be very stressful. I can’t say that I am pleased with the way my fuel lines turned out visually… But I’m absolutely totally confident that they are sound and well connected. And I know that because I did a water pressure test and there were no leaks. Which is totally unbelievable I was absolutely positive that there would be.
For overhead lights for the back passengers I got some $300 multi-intensity lights from Aircraft spruce. For the pilots, I got teeny tiny mini eyeball lights that are red and cost about 40 bucks also from Aircraft spruce. It seems counterintuitive but that’s the size of the default holes and I didn’t feel like messing with them.

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